Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What Attitude Will You Pick Today?

Attitude is everything.  I believe I discussed this many posts ago, but attitude really does determine how we perceive everythng for the day.  Scripture says to serve with gladness.  If we go to school, work, the grocery store, or anywhere else our busy lives take us, but we do it with an attitude of joy, it changes everything.  Serving the Lord should be a delightful thing, not a "have to" feel to it.  It should feel like a privilege!  If we serve Him with gladness no matter where we are, then that is exactly what it should feel like:  a privilege!  So go out there and turn your frown upside down, because today is a new day and you get to make it however you want!  I hope that you choose to make your day a joyful one!

Psalm 100:2 (kjv) says:

"Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing."

I hope everyone has a blessed and joyous day!

Love In Christ,


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