I do not know where all the readers of this blog live, but I live in Texas and it is so very HOT down here! Now that summer has started and the temperature outside makes you melt, I thought I would touch on the subject of modesty again. I know that we talked about this a few blogs ago, but just want to remind you that you don't have to let it all show to get some one's attention.
It is hard to find summer clothes that are not too revealing! Let's face it, it is the way of the world right now, and you can not go into any store without revealing clothes being everywhere. I was just in Old Navy the other day and could not believe what I was seeing. It is really sad, that the world has this view about women and that the only way to get attention is to show some flesh. I realize that it is summer and therefore tank tops and shorts will be the first choice, but you can still dress for the weather and not show everyone what God gave you.
What matters is whats on the inside! I know you are rolling your eyes right about now, and thinking I know! I know! I have heard this a million times, but it is true! Your personality and actions speak far louder that any mini skirt or revealing bathing suit. It is true that guys are attracted to the outward appearance before even getting your name, but I know that once they get to know you and your personality they will be looking more on the inside than the out. A true gentlemen will like you for what you are on the inside and not what you wear on the outside. Guys do care about the inner beauty of a lady, even though most of the time it doesn't seem like it. You should not take away from your personality by making your outward appearance more desirable! You should focus on making what's on the inside more desirable, because it is so very pleasing to God! In the long run guys search for someone with inner beauty more than they search for someone with outer beauty.
1 Peter 3:3-4 says, "What matters is not your outer appearance-the styling of your hair, the jewelry you wear, the cut of your clothes-but you inner disposition." (The Message Bible)
What is on the inside is what God looks at and what makes God pleased with us. It is not how we look on the outside. So, the next time you go to pick out an outfit ask yourself this question,"Does this outfit take away from what counts-my inner beauty?" Inner Beauty is more important than outer beauty.
Love in Christ,
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