Thursday, March 10, 2011

Are you a TRUE CoverGirl?

Cosmetics(make-up)-comes from the Greek word KOSMOS, which means "of this world, worldly."

71% of women think they are prettier with make-up on.
 taken from 11, 2010.

1 out of 5 boyfriends have never seen their girlfriend without make-up.
taken from 11, 2010

The cosmetic and toiletries industry, world wide, is a 45 to 66 billion dollar business.
taken from 14, 2008.

"After World War II the cosmetics industry began promoting through advertising, the concept of flawless beauty. Women and girls around the world became enamored with the idea that they could be more attractive."

The advertising industry has not slowed down if anything it has become more of a pressure that without make-up you are not attractive.

Turn up the volume and listen carefully to the first 10 seconds of this covergirl commercial (Ellen Degeneres CoverGirl commerical)

     "Inner beauty is important, but not nearly as important as outer beauty." Yeah! You heard it right, that is what CoverGirl is promoting. Before we go any further we want to make it clear that wearing make-up is not a sin, but the reasoning as to why you wear the make up could  be sinful.
     Jezebel was one of the most evil women in the bible. She used her outward apparence to suduce men by wearing flashy clothes, jewlery, and a lot of make-up. Her reason behind the flashy clothes, and make-up was to seduce, the fact that she wore make-up was NOT a sin but why she wore it made it a sin.

      1 Samuel 16:7 (NAS) says "But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not look at his apperance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appereance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

     God doesn't care if you spend hours and hours on your face packing on the make-up, or if you wear no make-up at all. God looks at your heart! It's sad that in todays society there is more pressure on how you look on the outside than how you look on the inside. Girls as young as 5 and 6 are being taught at a young age that looks are everything, when reality looks are nothing and heart is EVERYTHING.The song that we have playing on our blog pretty much spells out what today's society is teaching and expecting.
     The average woman spends 20 minutes a day putting on make-up, that averages to about 330 days in a lifetime. Imagine if we took half of that time "making up" our inward apperance for it to be pleasing to God.

Like we have been saying throughout this blog; wearing make-up is not a sin, but you should make sure that your reasoning for wearing make-up does not lead to sinful circumstances.

We want to leave you with a challenge. We won't ever know if you do it (unless you would like to share with us, which would be really cool!) only you will know. Challenge yourself to wear little or no make-up for a day or two OR challenge yourself to cut your make-up time in half, spending that extra time with God.

Love in Christ,
Alicia and Jana

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