Monday, July 18, 2011

Friendship and Compassion

I remember back when I was a kid having and making friendship bracelets.  It was the big craze and you were supposed to give them out to your true friends!  Those "true" friends that I gave bracelets to in school are no longer apart of my life, for whatever reason.  It's funny how time and things change the way you choose your friends.  In middle school I had a best friend. We spent almost every weekend together and we even had the necklace that says "best friend" where one friend wears one half of the charm and the other friend wears the other half.  We were pretty much inseparable and then in the 9th grade we grew apart and didn't hang out as much.  At one point it got so bad that we were not even speaking to each other.  We grew apart and high school came and went with out much interaction.  I never heard from her again, that is until I moved and found out that she was in the same city.  I think through the magic of facebook or myspace we found each other and started emailing.  Now, we talk every once in a while and see each other on occasion.  I would not say we are best friends, like we were in middle school, but we are good friends and still keep in touch.  I can honestly say that I only have a  handful of true friendships, you know the ones that stick by you no matter what! 

One aspect of true friendship is when one will be honest even if it hurts.  This is probably one of the most important aspects in a friendship.  This means that they will be honest with you knowing that it could hurt, but they know telling the truth is better than sugar coating it.  Telling the truth can also have to do with telling you that you are wrong or that you made a bad decision.  A true friend is not saying this to point out your faults; they are doing it because they care and only want what is best for you.
(Proverbs 27:6)

Sometimes friendship just means being there for one another.  Sometimes it is better to listen than to do the talking.  Friendships need balance for it to work.  One friend can't do all the talking while the other one does all the listening.  It just doesn't work that way.  Sometimes, the best part of a friendship is just knowing that they other one is there for you when you are having a hard time or just need a shoulder to cry on.  Sometimes, you just have to play the silent friend and just be there and listen.  In some cases, it isn't the best to point out your friends faults or wrong choosing.  They might have already known that they messed up and just wanted you to be there with them and support them through it rather than tell them what they did wrong.  (Job 2:11-13 and Job 42:7-8)

True friendship will have a positive influence on you.  It is always good to have a friend.  Someone that will be there for you and help you up when you fall.  Will be there to encourage you and stand up for you.  Two friends can lean on each other in times of need and protect each other in times of strife. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)

You want to be wise in who you choose to have a friendship with, because some friendships can have a negative influence on you.  Bad friendships can bring you down and cause you to fall into the wrong crowd.  These friendships are not true friendships and usually have a motive behind them and that motive is usually for their own success.  So be careful in how and who you choose to be a friend with.  (1 Corinthians 15:33 and Proverbs 22:24)

Jesus shows the ultimate friendship!  John 15:12-14 (NIV) says, "My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command."  Jesus is the perfect example for true friendship, because He gave up his life for us.  He is definitely the ULTIMATE TRUE FRIEND!!!

Like I said in the beginning of this post, I think compassion and friendship are a perfect fit.  Philippians 2:4 says, "do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others." (NASB) If you have true friendships then this will be a no brainer to do for one another.  Luke 10:25-37 tells the parable of the good Samaritan.  A man was traveling and ran into some robbers that stripped him and beat him and then left him for dead.  Not one, but two men traveling down the same road saw the man and did not stop to help him.  They crossed over to the other side of the road and continued on their journey.  It was the third man, a good Samaritan, that saw him and felt compassion and stopped to help the man.  He cleaned his wounds and bandaged them and then carried him to an inn where he took care of him.  The good Samaritan showed great compassion on this man.  This parable is pretty easy to understand, but I will give you a couple of examples using situations from today (2011).  Providing your friend clothing and food when their house burnt down or befriending someone that is not as popular or that gets picked on.  These are just a couple of examples of compassion.  To be a true friend and have a true friendship, you need to have compassion.  Compassion is just one of the characteristics of a true friendship, but I think it plays a pretty big role.

I don't have a whole lot of true friendships, but the ones I do have I cherish and I know these friendships will last my whole life.  The one, true friendship that will never let me down, is my friendship with Jesus.  He is perfect and will never lead me astray!!!

Love in Christ,


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