Sunday, February 27, 2011

Take the 'DO NOT DISTURB' sign off your heart.

We ran a contest a few weeks ago and asked people to give us topics they would like us to blog about. We had two great topics that we could not pass up, so we decided to declare both ladies the winners and blog about both topics.

The first topic we will blog about is from Mrs. D. Her suggested topic was “Tell us what to do when we grow ‘stale’ in our relationship with Christ.”

Being a Christian is not easy, it is something we have to work at all the time. It is a full time job that has great rewards along the way and the ultimate reward of eternal life. God expects us to put Him first but more often than not He comes in last.
    Alicia and I have personal experience when it comes to putting God last. A lot of times our mornings start at 5am with the gym, to work, dinner, showers, ministry, and anything else that day throws our way. Sometimes in our hectic day we don’t think to talk to God. On the days we leave God out of our schedule we feel there is a void that has not been filled. The days that we do put God first we can see a difference in our attitudes, how we react to negative situations, and just an over all lift in our spirit. Although we strive to put God first everyday we are not perfect therefore we sometimes put a “pause” on our relationship with God. It is good to know that although we sometimes put God on “pause” he has NEVER put us on “pause.”
    How do you keep your relationships with your friends, spouse, family, and co-workers from fizzling out?  You talk with them and show interest in them. Your relationship with God works the same way; you “talk” with Him through prayer and you show “interest” in Him by reading your bible. Some other ways to keep your relationship growing is to surround yourself with Godly people and listening to Christan music. Good things in makes good things come out.
    Your alone time with him is SO important. It can be just 5 minutes of worshiping Him through prayer and song or 30 minutes of a bible study. There really is NO excuse for not putting your relationship with God first.

A few verses that we found for this topic:

“Young people can live a clean life by obeying your word. I worship you with all of my heart. Do not let me walk away from your commands. I treasure your word above all else; it keeps me from sinning against you. I praise you, LORD! Teach me your laws.” Psalm 119:9-12 CEV

“Create pure thoughts in me, and make me faithful again.” Psalm 51:10 CEV

“Relationships are like water. They must be cared for and nourished. If we do not water a plant,it dies. Likewise, if we do not nurture our relationship with God, its fire begins to dull. Reigniting our relationship with God takes work. It also takes time, effort, and diligence. Once we reach out, however, God is always willing to reach back. Therefore, the work is always worth the effort.”
-by Angela-Edward (E-HOW contributor)

So, go ahead and take the ‘DO NOT DISTURB’ sign off your relationship with God...He’s waiting.

Love in Christ,
Alicia and Jana

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