Wednesday, October 3, 2012


We live in a fast pace world. Everywhere we turn we have some reminder that waiting is " for the birds". We have fast food, high speed Internet, microwaveable meals and even the speed limit has increased. We do not like to wait! I especially have a hard time waiting. I have always been inpatient. It's not my best trait to admit, but it is true. Right now we are waiting for our first foster-child placement and it is rough. We have been licensed for about a week now and everyday I pray that my phone will ring and tell us we have a placement for you. We have been preparing for this since May.

I realized over the last week that God waits on me all the time. God is always right there patiently waiting for me to obey Him, talk to Him, to listen and yet I choose to make Him continue to wait. God never pushes us to answer Him. He merely gives us soft reminders that He is still waiting. He is so patient and kind. He never leaves us or forsakes us. He is the one that is constant in our busy lives. I feel like God is in away strengthening my faith with Him. He is in control of my life and the little one that we are supposed to take care of. On the same day that we were licensed, we also received a phone call that evening saying that we were getting our first placement, but 5 minutes later the placement was cancelled. I know God was giving me reassurance that it will happen, but not on my time, but on HIS!

So, this is my little lesson in faith and waiting. It is extremely hard, don't get me wrong, but I also have faith in God that He knows what is best for me and my family. Right now I will continue to pray for guidance and trust in Him.

Psalm 27:14 says "Wait for The Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for The Lord." ESV

Love in Christ,


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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