I spent time with family over the memorial day weekend. Every time I am surrounded by family, I am reminded how blessed I am. If you were to count just my immediate family, you would count 14 including children and spouses. Yes, that is just my immediate family, so you can imagine how many there are when you add extended family... ALOT!! The things that I cherish most about my family is how close we are and how much we support one another no matter what it is, good or bad! Yes, we have are ups and downs and no we do not always get along, but when it comes down to it we have each other's back. If you were to ask every single person in my family " Do you like spending time with your family?" Every single one of them would answer yes without hesitation. Seriously! We love hanging out and being together and we have the most fun! We have a strong bond and I am forever grateful for it! All the family values that have been bestowed upon me and my brothers and sisters, have been passed down from generation to generation. The number one thing that has kept us so close and bonded is GOD! There is a relationship with God and without that I believe we would not be as close as we are.
God should be at the top of your family values! He should be at the head of everything that you do and every decision that you make. God wants to be involved in your family. He is always there, waiting for you to say, "OK God, what do you think?" I know that might sound silly, but it is that simple. If you never got a chance to have a close relationship with your family, don't worry, you can start over new and have God as the head of your family, just like He wants to be. If you think about it, God started this whole family when he created Adam and Eve, so He is the leader of us all, but it is our choice to acknowledge Him and listen.
Family values are so important and when you put God up front as your leader, you can never go wrong.
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