MARY was one of the most greatest women of the bible. She was the mother of Jesus! She was chosen by God out of all the women on earth to carry His one and only son. I am sure Mary at some point questioned why her? Why would God choose her to be the mother of Jesus. I just can not fathom how she felt when the angel appeared to tell her what her next few years would be like. I thought that during this Christmas season, I should share about one great woman! She was the one chosen by God to be Jesus's mother. It is a pleasure to be a mom, but to be the mother to Jesus! WOW! God knew that she would be the right woman to help in His plan for the world!
I found these facts at and found them to be interesting, so I thought I would post them on the blog.
- Matthew 1; Luke 1-3.
Of the seven women named Mary in the New Testament, none has a more central role than Mary the mother of Jesus Christ. The genealogy of Mary is given in Luke 3. She is shown as the daughter of Heli (Luke 3:23), descended from Nathan the son of David (Luke 3:23-31). At the time of the conception of Jesus, she was engaged to Joseph who was also descended from David, through Solomon (Matthew 1:7-16). Through his parents Jesus was legally entitled to the throne of David. Living in Nazareth (Luke 1:26). Mary visited a close relative, Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist (Luke 1:39-56), before traveling to Bethlehem to be taxed under the orders of Augustus.
In Bethlehem, Jesus was born (Luke 2:1-20). After the visit of the Magi , when Jesus was about 18 months old, Joseph, Mary and Jesus fled into Egypt until the death of Herod the Great (Matthew 2:20,21). Joseph led his family to Nazareth because Archaleus, a very cruel king, was reigning in Judah (Matthew 2:22,23). Joseph is no longer mentioned, but Mary appears at the marriage of Cana (John 2:1-12); then later when Jesus was challenged by the Pharisees (Matthew 12:46-50); and at the cross (John 19:25-27). On the cross Jesus committed His mother to the care of the disciple John. Mary was with the disciples in the upper room after the ascension (Acts 1:13,14).
a) Mary was one of the few people prophesied in the Old Testament, as the woman from whose seed the Savior would come (Genesis 3:15).
b) Her state was amplified in Isaiah 7:14 that she would be a virgin
c) Since the sin nature is passed down through the father, Mary received a sin nature from Heli
d) Because Jesus was born of a virgin however, conceived by the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ was born without a sin nature (Matthew 1:20).
e) Mary was highly favored in grace by God (Luke 1:28,30), being called "blessed among women".
f) Mary accepted the miracle of this birth as outlined by Gabriel (Luke 1:26-38).
g) Mary praised God for His goodness (Luke 1:46-55; cf. 1 Samuel 2:1-10).
h) Mary recognized that the child she was to have would be the long awaited Savior (Luke 1:46-48).
i) Joseph was noble by protecting Mary from public stoning as an adulteress (Deuteronomy 22:23,24).
j) Mary and Joseph arranged for Jesus' circumcision on the eighth day (Luke 2:21) and His presentation to the Lord after the purification of Mary (Luke 2:22-24). They offered turtle doves and pigeons, showing they were not wealthy (Luke 2:24).
k) Jesus never called Mary mother, but always woman (John 2:4; 19:26), to ensure that Mary was never to be thought of as the mother of God.
Love in Christ,